That’s All (For Now), Folks!

679 days. On this Saturday, it will have been 679 days I spent of my life as an engaged man! And now I will start back at 1 day as a married one. I couldn’t be happier! Woo boy, what a long journey it’s been.

During that time, I started this blog and found a cozy little welcoming corner of the Internet with all of you. The Internet is a pointlessly aggressive place, particularly when it comes to reading and writing about and discussing games, and this WordPress community has been nothing short of incredible. It’s so nice to know there’s a great group here who always wants to talk about one of my favorite hobbies in a respectful manner. I’m very grateful for that.

Recently I reached a landmark of 100 Followers, although I waited a bit to celebrate since I was pretty sure that at least a quarter of them were spam bots. I think I sit around 125 now, I wanted to thank everyone for the Likes, the comments, and the overall support. I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading my posts here even half as much as I’ve enjoyed reading yours. Recently I’ve gotten backlogged (the concept of which is nothing strange to a bunch of gamers!) on reading articles, but I’m trying my hardest to be able to reach each and every post that comes through my feed!

Now, you may have read the title and are wondering why this sounds like I’m shutting down. Because that’s totally not what’s going on here. But I am taking a brief intermission from blogging. Due to the craziness of the wedding planning coming to a head, I have been unable to get any stretch of time for focused writing, and the time I can manage to squeeze in has been going right back into gaming so that I actually have something to write about. What’s ended up happening is I’ve started lots of articles, but ended up scrapping them or all out abandoning them.

The other reason for the intermission is that it just makes sense – the soon-to-be wife and I will be leaving for our honeymoon to Thailand on Sunday, and not returning until the beginning of November! That being said, I will not be spending any time writing (most likely), but I will have plenty of flight time (to the tune of a combined 50 hours!) where I plan on making some solid progress in the selection of games I’m bringing with me, giving me a fresh selection of ammunition for things to write about as soon as I get back to the mainland.

Hey, speaking of games – I’ve accumulated quite a few lately, and I can’t wait to dig into them more and share my thoughts of them with you all. Recently I acquired quite a bit of Vita games: Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, Ys Origin, and Tokyo Xanadu. My collector’s edition of Undertale on the Vita should also be here soon! There’s of course Super Mario Odyssey which will sadly arrive while I’m out of the country. Then Axiom Verge as well as a few more Switch games, finally closing out the year with the monster Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Tons of great games are in the queue for the rest of the year, and with time freed up I’d like to share some of my gameplay time with you all, and not just my after-thoughts.

The SNES Classic Edition has been a blast, at least from the little that I’ve played it, and I’m planning on a mini-series about the individual games themselves, what about them I love, and why they hold a special place in my heart. The whole thing is the perfect product for me because it just oozes nostalgia like nothing I’ve ever owned. Like, eating-Choco-Tacos-while-trading-Pokemon-cards levels of nostalgia.

Some of my future blog-related plans when I return from my honeymoon are up in the air, and some are solidified and I can’t wait to get started with.

  • I’ll be back to writing regular posts here at my usual rate, about one or two bigger posts per week, with random ramblings littered throughout.
  • I’ll be back to writing reviews at The Well-Red Mage! I have a review of Metroid: Samus Returns currently in the works that unfortunately I just wasn’t able to finish in time.
  • I want to start streaming on Twitch (again). I’m not into the whole “Twitch lifestyle” with scheduled gameplay sessions, but I’d like to get a capture card so I can start streaming console games at will, in particular, SNES Classic Edition games. I had a small little following back when I streamed in 2013, and I thought it might be fun to get a little of that going again, considering I now have a slightly larger following on here.
  • If not Twitch, I’d like to start editing together Let’s Plays of strange games (for me). The idea I had was that I would play an obscure game and pair it with conversation on something that doesn’t really go along. Like I play Cooking Mama and talk about Tomagotchis. Who knows?
  • Perhaps the biggest long-shot is starting some type of Podcast. I’ve never been quite comfortable on camera, but I figure if I don’t like cameras being pointed at me, maybe just a microphone? We’ll have to see how that goes. I’ve had some pretty oddball ideas for podcast conversation topics (spanning from video games to ideas for good bathroom inventions) and it’ll either be a huge success or a colossal failure unlike anything I ever thought possible. Again, long shot for the time being.

Overall, the point is that I’d like to become more involved here on WordPress and I’ll finally have the time and sanity back in my life to do it. I’m looking forward to the return and look forward to creating at least mildly interesting content, and of course, catching up on all of yours!

Take care, for now, WordPress fam! May October treat you well!



  1. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MARRIAGE, MY FRIEND! It looks like you’re having an amazing honeymoon. I wish you two a happy, wonderful life! 😀 And also congrats on your success with the blog! Always been a fan of your work, and I’m always glad to see you keep going! 😀


  2. Huge congrats and happy wishes for the wedding! I remember last year going int mine, things were so stressful with planning (more for my wife) but once the night came, it was a magical day and an awesome party!

    Looking forward to your return, and liking the podcast idea. I’ve thought about similar things for that so good to know others here have similar ambissions.


  3. No! You may not take a break! You need to carry on blogging during the wedding prep. And the wedding! LIVE BLOG THE WEDDING!

    Honestly though, congratulations. Enjoy the wedding and the break you’re going to have!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations! Have an awesome day and enjoy your time off, gaming and all! Good to see you are planning to play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (aka the game I’m the most excited about ever), looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it in the future.


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