Personal Announcements and Milestone Celebration!

Happy Friday good people of WordPress and other places!

It’s a good day indeed and a cause for celebration, and that’s because I have officially reached 50 followers! 51, to be exact, but I totally missed it since it went from 49 to 51.

Yeah, I still use BodySpace.

I never thought I’d get a single follower, let alone fifty of them, but it’s pretty amazing to think about that many people consciously deciding to have my ramblings channeled into their WordPress Readers while sipping coffee or tea or alcohol or some other delicious thing. I wonder on a daily basis why my fiancée agreed to marry me and deal with my “in real life” rambling; I can’t even imagine how you wonderful people do it. But it’s appreciated as much as it’s mind-boggling!

I stumbled into this gaming blog stuff fairly recently. I wanted to talk gaming, but passively chatting online via forums wasn’t really working for me as it was so anonymous, it didn’t seem like I was actually talking with anyone at all, and more like I was slipping a note into a bottle and chucking it out into an ocean filled with other bottles. I wanted more one-on-one conversations with cool people who not only loved gaming like myself, but writing about gaming. I think it’s a whole other level of enjoyment when you enjoy a hobby so much, that even when you have time to do it, you stop and write about it instead. And that takes time away from actually gaming, precious time that is anything but abundant. I used to crank out articles as fast as possible and go for quantity over quality, but I have found I get more enjoyment out of the writing part than I ever thought possible, and that the enjoyment others get from it scales proportionately with the amount of work I put into it, and given enough time, I may even stop writing so many run-on sentences.

Of course, I probably wouldn’t still be writing any sentences if not for you folks – the readers and contributors. So, I thank all of you. Specifically, I’d like to thank you all for being so awesome, welcoming, and for reading my posts consisting of me babbling off topic for ~45 paragraphs. It’s been an honor and a pleasure and I’m still enjoying the ride! Also looking forward to writing more material – I have a lot of ideas in the pipeline and am looking to take Nostalgia Trigger in a direction more true to the name.

In addition to the 50 follower milestone, I have another big thing happening in my life that’s been the culmination of the past several years of hard work: I am officially a homeowner! Well, I’m going to be, on Tuesday. I’ve got boxes stacked up in my room, my precious amiibo are bubble-wrapped and my gaming collection is looking forward to their new home. The fiancée and I couldn’t be more excited, and I can’t wait to get back into blogging full time once we are settled. The updates may be a bit sparse, but I’ll try to get something up next week at some point!

I’m also planning to start making mini-videos on a variety of topics: thrift store finds, ramblings about old video games, showing off collections, etc, as soon as the new office is set up. I have not had much luck filming in my current room layout but I think it will get much easier in the new house.

Keeping this one short and sweet – but thank you all again for the good vibes. New posts will likely be a little light next week, but I’ll be back before ya know it!


  1. Congratulations! Although our interactions are always gaming-centered, I want to congratulate you more specifically on your recent real estate purchase. I crossed that rubicon myself a couple of years ago and I know firsthand how amazingly good and relieving it feels. Well done, you! ^__^


  2. Congrats on you blog and life achievements 🙂 Becoming a homeowner is a huge milestone! I hope those precious Amiibo make the transition safely.

    Liked by 1 person

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